This is How You KNOW You have Made it!!! Really Made it!

This is How You KNOW You have Made it!!! Really Made it!

#1 Way you KNOW Your Business is Having an Impact!

You get copied.

That is RIGHT!

When your competitors start to copy what you are doing… you have made it!


This is no time to get hung up on being copied. Don’t sweat the copies… remember, they are cheap copies at best.

Do your thing.

Keep going.

It is WORKING. Only the best are copied.

When I had a brick-and-mortar business our team would create products and services that really delivered value to our customers.

Once word was out in our market.

BOOM! We would be copied. Worse, competitors would offer the cheap 

copy at half the price.

Initially this frustrated my team and me. We spent months developing programming and services only to have it offered at a lower price down the road.

Prospects and leads went down the road for the cheap copy. Then something interesting started too happy. They were back, eager to pay more money for the real deal.

Being copied confirms you are having an impact and creates a competitive advantage… once customers have had the cheap knock off… they are HAPPY to pay MORE for the real deal!

Let them copy you, it is the #1 Way you KNOW Your Business is Having an Impact!

?By Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs…?

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Ergoteknix Incorporated provides business development consulting to small businesses so they can scale from 6-7 and 7-8 figures in annual sales.

Learn more about Ergoteknix Incorporated here!